Resveratrol Supports Healthy Aging
The science behind the help of anti-aging is wrong. The aim is the life in your years, not only to add year of your life. Would you like to 100 if you are physically and mentally weakened in the past 20 years? We have all known people, including members who are affected by the disease, so that the changeover was a blessing.

We all want the years of quality and not just the quantity. We want our "healthspan" not only our lives.
Moderate wine consumption appears the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve insulin sensitivity and less risk for diabetes and certain cancers. People who drink wine, particularly red wine, may be less corpulent, suffer from depression, or Alzheimer's disease. More on staying healthy, to drink wine tend to live longer!
Moderate alcohol consumption for health, but the wine - particularly red wine - that resveratrol, a, the more health benefits that one can imagine.
Resveratrol is a phytonutriments in the skin and the grapes, peanuts and some other plants, the protection against fungi. Because of the preparation of wine, the resveratrol in wine and in higher doses in red wine.
Resveratrol increased the HDL-cholesterol and nitric oxide, which relaxes the arteries and improves blood pressure. It prevents blood platelets and paste blocks of blood clots accession to the walls of the artery, the cause of most heart attacks and stroke. It is a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, based on the minimization of damages, even if you have a heart attack or stroke.
Red wine or taking resveratrol does not mean that you eat foods that are rich in fat and calories at each meal without adverse effects. But not resveratrol to protect against diet-indulgence. Resveratrol has benefits on reducing the risk of heart disease, Sunday May actually slow the aging process.
Restricting calories to live longer
Several studies in animals - fruit flies, fish, rodents and monkeys - show that 30 per cent discount on the caloric intake increased the average life of 10 to 20 percent. The scientists have the advantage on the discovery that the restriction on the towers caloric "anti-aging" of the genes encode proteins called sirtuins. These proteins co-ordinating a series of mechanisms for survival that the repair of DNA and contribute to the survival of cells in times of stress. Resveratrol works on the same genes, even if you eat a high-calorie diet.
Alzheimer's and cancer
Resveratrol May also provides protection against Alzheimer's disease. Several epidemiological studies show that moderate wine drinkers are the reduction of dementia is Resveratrol and probable explanation. Many mechanisms that protect against cardiovascular disease also benefits the whole body, including the brain.
In laboratory studies, resveratrol promotes the distribution of amyloid beta-sheets, of violations in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Resveratrol is also in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Nutrients inhibits the adhesion of cancer cells and promotes apoptosis (self destruction) of cancer cells without the healthy cells. He also holds the creation of new blood vessels for the growth of cancer cells.
Wine or additions
If you drink alcohol of red wine every day of your adult life, you are likely to take advantage resveratrol. If not, ensure that you have all the benefits of resveratrol, you must include it in the form of a supplement.
Additional resveratrol is well absorbed, and although the time before the 50 percent increase in shared (known under the name of their half-life) is of short duration, once metabolized in the liver, the compounds are for up to nine hours. The compounds travel through the blood, and if an enzyme with an inflammation, infection or cancer is the encounter with the resveratrol molecule is for his work.
We all want the years of quality and not just the quantity. We want our "healthspan" not only our lives.
Moderate wine consumption appears the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve insulin sensitivity and less risk for diabetes and certain cancers. People who drink wine, particularly red wine, may be less corpulent, suffer from depression, or Alzheimer's disease. More on staying healthy, to drink wine tend to live longer!
Moderate alcohol consumption for health, but the wine - particularly red wine - that resveratrol, a, the more health benefits that one can imagine.
Resveratrol is a phytonutriments in the skin and the grapes, peanuts and some other plants, the protection against fungi. Because of the preparation of wine, the resveratrol in wine and in higher doses in red wine.
Resveratrol increased the HDL-cholesterol and nitric oxide, which relaxes the arteries and improves blood pressure. It prevents blood platelets and paste blocks of blood clots accession to the walls of the artery, the cause of most heart attacks and stroke. It is a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, based on the minimization of damages, even if you have a heart attack or stroke.
Red wine or taking resveratrol does not mean that you eat foods that are rich in fat and calories at each meal without adverse effects. But not resveratrol to protect against diet-indulgence. Resveratrol has benefits on reducing the risk of heart disease, Sunday May actually slow the aging process.
Restricting calories to live longer
Several studies in animals - fruit flies, fish, rodents and monkeys - show that 30 per cent discount on the caloric intake increased the average life of 10 to 20 percent. The scientists have the advantage on the discovery that the restriction on the towers caloric "anti-aging" of the genes encode proteins called sirtuins. These proteins co-ordinating a series of mechanisms for survival that the repair of DNA and contribute to the survival of cells in times of stress. Resveratrol works on the same genes, even if you eat a high-calorie diet.
Alzheimer's and cancer
Resveratrol May also provides protection against Alzheimer's disease. Several epidemiological studies show that moderate wine drinkers are the reduction of dementia is Resveratrol and probable explanation. Many mechanisms that protect against cardiovascular disease also benefits the whole body, including the brain.
In laboratory studies, resveratrol promotes the distribution of amyloid beta-sheets, of violations in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Resveratrol is also in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Nutrients inhibits the adhesion of cancer cells and promotes apoptosis (self destruction) of cancer cells without the healthy cells. He also holds the creation of new blood vessels for the growth of cancer cells.
Wine or additions
If you drink alcohol of red wine every day of your adult life, you are likely to take advantage resveratrol. If not, ensure that you have all the benefits of resveratrol, you must include it in the form of a supplement.
Additional resveratrol is well absorbed, and although the time before the 50 percent increase in shared (known under the name of their half-life) is of short duration, once metabolized in the liver, the compounds are for up to nine hours. The compounds travel through the blood, and if an enzyme with an inflammation, infection or cancer is the encounter with the resveratrol molecule is for his work.
Posted in: on Saturday, May 2, 2009 at at 10:50 AM 0 comments