How to Prepare Acai Berry Diet Smoothies

Acai berry diet smoothies are easy to make and super delicious. This Brazilian super fruit has been recommended by health experts and medical experts as well as celebrities. The Acai berry diet is a diet that is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, healthy fatty acids and all kinds of other healthy nutrients that are essential for your survival and good health.

One of the best supplements that you can make with this fruit is a smoothie. This will help you detoxify your body and lose weight, which are some of the best benefits behind Acai.This fruit is extremely rich in the right kind of fibers, so it is recommended for the morning and midday when you have time to work off the carbohydrates. Here is the best way to make a delicious smoothie that you will love, and benefit from.

Ingredients: Acai berry powder or juice, single banana, milk (or you can sub soy milk in if you so choose), vanilla frozen yogurt and a blender.

Preparation: Choose your Acai berry juice or powder, and pour a normal serving size into your blender. Pour a cup of regular milk or soy milk in after the juice. Choose low fat or non fat varieties if you can. Then slice the banana into chunks and drop them in for a creamy texture. Finally add half a cup of vanilla frozen yogurt, subbing for a low fat variety if possible. Blend for between 20 and 30 seconds and enjoy!

You can have a smoothie every morning for breakfast and jump start your Acai berry diet the right way every time!