Add Nuts to Your Anti Aging Supplement Regime for Extra Prevention
Would you like to reduce your risk of coronary artery disease? The answer to that question, is, I'm sure you would, and according to a Penn State University report released in 2001, they have determined that eating nuts on a regular basis significantly reduces the incidence of coronary heart disease. Numerous studies have been done over the years, and one in particular, by a Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton. He conducted a formal review of 16 different studies to determine whether nuts are a factor in heart disease prevention. Of course, attention to your entire dietary intake is important when it comes to antiaging or preventing heart disease. He determined that eating an ounce of nuts, more than five times a week will actually reduce the risk of coronary artery disease an astounding 25 to 39%. Three to 4 ounces of nuts is equivalent to three or four tablespoons, and combined with some anti aging supplements, is a good first step in prevention.

Scientists haven't determined if some types of nuts are better than others, but they recommend eating, a large variety of different kinds. Their studies were based on different varieties. However, 50% of the nuts consumed in these studies were actually peanuts. Overall, nuts, regardless of the type are an excellent addition in your diet as an antiaging product.
Since nuts contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and are low in the saturated fatty acids, they seem to think this is the reason. Since the saturated fatty acids are a major cause of coronary heart disease and high cholesterol, they recommend substituting unsaturated for saturated fatty acids in your diet as a good cholesterol prevention method, and nuts appear to help these cholesterol levels. Remember as well, that good, antiaging health habits start on a daily basis, by consuming anti aging supplements and antioxidant antiaging products as well.
Scientists haven't determined if some types of nuts are better than others, but they recommend eating, a large variety of different kinds. Their studies were based on different varieties. However, 50% of the nuts consumed in these studies were actually peanuts. Overall, nuts, regardless of the type are an excellent addition in your diet as an antiaging product.
Since nuts contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and are low in the saturated fatty acids, they seem to think this is the reason. Since the saturated fatty acids are a major cause of coronary heart disease and high cholesterol, they recommend substituting unsaturated for saturated fatty acids in your diet as a good cholesterol prevention method, and nuts appear to help these cholesterol levels. Remember as well, that good, antiaging health habits start on a daily basis, by consuming anti aging supplements and antioxidant antiaging products as well.
Posted in: anti aging, anti aging cream, anti aging supplements, resveratrol, resveratrol extract, resveratrol supplements on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at at 3:44 AM