Side Effects of Anti-aging Supplements
Many people are worried about aging and do not want to show her body to see any signs of life of aging. For this reason, many anti-aging products are now on the market. This anti-supplemented Aging were created to counteract the aging process. This work complemented by the strengthening of the area should be improved, and almost the same functions as bodybuilding supplements.
Is through the presence of various anti-aging supplements these days, it is important to note that some products have side effects if used over a longer period are included. It is important that a person to avoid sufficient knowledge about the product before use feeling discomfort after him for a few days or months.

As we get older, there are many hormones in our body begins to produce at a lower rate. Testosterone is an example of a hormone that slows the aging process. A sufficient amount of testosterone is a person, better balance, strength, and LDL lowered cholesterol. The aging occurs, slowing the rate of testosterone and there are some complaints from a person experienced. Therefore, testosterone will be considered supplements. For testosterone side effects include increased hematocrit and accelerating the growth of prostate cancer.
Slower activity of the brain is a common symptom with age. For this reason, there are some anti-aging supplements that to improve brain activity as vinpocetine. This is a semi-synthetic extract of the periwinkle. This supplement has been shown to improve memory, enhance glucose utilization by brain cells, increase in cerebral blood flow and contributes to mood swings. However, the long-term use of this product its own side effects such as insomnia, dizziness, nausea, and transient hypotension.
The Ginkgo is a further addition to the function of the brain increased. This product is the Ginkgo biloba tree. In addition to the function of the brain, this supplement is also known to stabilize the cells metabolize glucose and oxygen. May experience side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and bleeding. This addition is also prohibited for pregnant women, except by your doctor.
An antioxidant, which plays a major role in the fight against aging is Spirulina. It is known to stimulate the immune system and act as nutrients for the body. It is also known to prevent heart damage, and provides improved efficiency for stroke patients. But there are people who have allergic reactions to spirulina. The symptoms of allergic reactions include fever, nausea and dry.
Is through the presence of various anti-aging supplements these days, it is important to note that some products have side effects if used over a longer period are included. It is important that a person to avoid sufficient knowledge about the product before use feeling discomfort after him for a few days or months.
As we get older, there are many hormones in our body begins to produce at a lower rate. Testosterone is an example of a hormone that slows the aging process. A sufficient amount of testosterone is a person, better balance, strength, and LDL lowered cholesterol. The aging occurs, slowing the rate of testosterone and there are some complaints from a person experienced. Therefore, testosterone will be considered supplements. For testosterone side effects include increased hematocrit and accelerating the growth of prostate cancer.
Slower activity of the brain is a common symptom with age. For this reason, there are some anti-aging supplements that to improve brain activity as vinpocetine. This is a semi-synthetic extract of the periwinkle. This supplement has been shown to improve memory, enhance glucose utilization by brain cells, increase in cerebral blood flow and contributes to mood swings. However, the long-term use of this product its own side effects such as insomnia, dizziness, nausea, and transient hypotension.
The Ginkgo is a further addition to the function of the brain increased. This product is the Ginkgo biloba tree. In addition to the function of the brain, this supplement is also known to stabilize the cells metabolize glucose and oxygen. May experience side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and bleeding. This addition is also prohibited for pregnant women, except by your doctor.
An antioxidant, which plays a major role in the fight against aging is Spirulina. It is known to stimulate the immune system and act as nutrients for the body. It is also known to prevent heart damage, and provides improved efficiency for stroke patients. But there are people who have allergic reactions to spirulina. The symptoms of allergic reactions include fever, nausea and dry.
Posted in: anti aging, anti aging cream, anti aging supplements, resveratrol, resveratrol extract, resveratrol supplements on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at at 3:58 AM